The passionate hiker

The passionate hiker
Early days in the outdoors

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Famous Quotes

Fri./Sat. 24/25 February:  Famous Quotes

Smiths Falls was the hub for our hikes this weekend
Note: click on pictures for full size view.

What use is a trail that isn’t used?

This echo of Yogi Berra has a point.  Perhaps he did know something about hiking.  After all, it was he who said: “If you come to a fork in the road, take it”.  The point is this.  If it wasn’t for energetic and passionate folks like the winter end-to-enders, and other keen walkers year-round, long sections of the Rideau Trail would remain unused for months at a time.  Then the trail might easily start to be lost altogether.  So to those kindred spirits, with whom this author has shared the trail over the past couple of months, THANK YOU. 

This weekend, we completed the last part of the 68.9 km Central section of the Rideau Trail, finishing our walk a split second before the heavens opened and the thunder rumbled.  We earned that lucky break.  

The snow has been melting steadily, and the unseasonal temperatures have brought early sightings of geese and robins and red-winged blackbirds, just to name a few of the birds on view today.  And the snowshoe hare that crossed our path will need to lose its white coat earlier than normal.

These few pictures will tell the story of these past two days on the trail.  Much of our journey was on road or through the streets and parks of Smiths Falls, but no less enjoyable for that. 

It has been a mild winter.  Not every winter end-to-end will be as easy.

Friday:  Smiths Falls to Stone Road (14.5 km):

Starting out along the Rideau Canal and River

Beside  Poonamalie Side Road

Now wearing snowshoes

On the section between Poonamalie and Port Elmsley

Luckily the track is frozen but the swamp isn't

Hwy 43 at Port Elmsley - enjoying the walk

Stone Road - last stretch for today

Saturday:  Wood Road to Smiths Falls (13.2 km):

Starting off from Wood Road - note loose formation of geese in sky

Wood Road

Entering Central Club section of trail at Rosedale Road

Beside Matheson Drive

Passing the marijuana factory in Smiths Falls

Rideau Canal, Old Slys Lock

Canal, Rail and Trail:  Ottawa to Toronto passenger train
crossing the Rideau Canal and Rideau Trail

Rideau Canal looking towards Smiths Falls

The Lock Master's house

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