Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"It's a Mi-ra-cle ! It's a Mi-ra-cle !"

Tues. 13 October:  The K&P Trail reaches Tichborne

Flags flying in Tichborne:  The K&P Trail has arrived!
"It's a Mi-ra-cle! It's a Mi-ra-cle!" was the cry from my rugby coach and school chaplain, his beaming face bright red with joy as he jumped up and down excitedly on the touchline as our team unexpectedly won the game.  He had told us it would take a miracle for us to win, and I guess that's just what happened!

I thought of that story today as I discovered a magical transformation of a 2.6 kilometre section of the K&P Trail leading into Tichborne.  Just a few months ago (less than three), this was an impenetrable swamp, and I had predicted that it would need an army of navvies to rebuild the line.  Somehow or other they did the impossible, and now it was a wide, smooth track fit once more for steam trains (but that would REALLY need a miracle)!

The pictures can tell the story.  Those miracle workers who rebuilt the K&P along this boggy route deserve great praise, and I hope that someone has given them the recognition they deserve.  The work was beautifully done, with proper drainage and a smooth surface for the traveler.

I read recently that there is funding to complete the K&P all the way to Sharbot Lake.  In my earlier blog I had noted that this was almost impossible, since long sections had disappeared under water.  But now I know these same people will find a way to rebuild the railbed and open up this lost world for people to enjoy.

As someone once said:  “I can work magic any time, but miracles take a little longer”.  This miracle seemed to have taken no time at all.

Note:  single-click on the first picture above to scroll through the photos separately.

Total Distance:      6.5 km (hike)
Height Gain:          Say 20 ft.
Time on Trail:       1 hr. 34 mins.
Fish Ck Rd:           12.20 pm
Tichborne:             12.55 pm
Duncan Lake:         1.36 pm
Ret. to car:             1.54 pm
Temp.:                   +17C
Weather:                Overcast, sunny breaks later

Fish Creek Road:  start of the new trail

Heading north into the swamp...

...and how it looked in July

New trail parallels Fish Creek Road...

...previously disappeared into impenetrable swampy brush

New trail approaches rise in the land

Good drainage has been built into the new design

Over the rise in the land

More good drainage

Approaching Tichborne today...

...and how it looked 3 months ago


...and (incredible to believe) the same view in July

End of the new trail surface...

...and how it looked before

Tichborme CP Rail Yard, view north today

Will the trail be extended further north?  Apparently Yes!

Even the frogs were impressed



  1. I would like to ride trail via bicycle Kingston to Tichbourne. it would be convenient to pick up trail at Harrowsmith if possible. Like to do this in summer months of course. oskee1955@gmail.com

    1. You will enjoy it for sure. The route is now completed and in good shape the whole way from Kingston City Hall to Tichborne. Hopefully next year they will have completed the next leg up to Sharbot Lake, but it is not ready yet (Dec. 2017). There is good parking at Harrowsmith if you plan to start your journey there.
