Monday, October 12, 2015

Closing Time

Mon. 12 October:  Closing Time

Smiths Falls on a perfect autumn day
Twenty three degrees Celsius in the bright sunshine.  It was hot enough to have been July 1 and Canada Day, not mid-October and Thanksgiving.  But who’s complaining?

Smiths Falls is always an enjoyable place to visit for anyone interested in canals and railways.    The gigantic Combined Lock, deepest lock on the entire Rideau Canal system, stood empty.  I chatted to the lock-keeper who told me that he had radioed upstream and downstream to check there were no latecomers wanting to pass through the canal at the last moment.  There were none, so he was busy closing down the canal and the lock station for the season.

I followed the Rideau Trail from the Combined Lock downstream beside the wide Rideau River to Old Slys Lock, and then northwards through the quiet streets of town, past the old Hershey chocolate factory (now a marijuana growing operation).  Following Chambers Street, I turned west then south, crossing the CP passenger rail line. 

Returning to the Combined Lock, I then made a second loop through the west side of town, following the Rideau Trail a short distance beside the Rideau River, before turning west to the old Canadian Northern Railway Station Museum. 

I was curious to see if the section of Canadian Northern line still existed southwards from the station to the bridge across the Rideau River.  A mowed grassy stretch directly across the road from the museum suggested a trail.  It soon degenerated into a damp, narrow path.  But I could see the embankment of the old railway line to my left, and soon reached the abandoned bridge across the river. 

Directly ahead, beyond the bridge, was the raised bascule bridge spanning the Rideau Canal.  This is a great landmark in Smiths Falls and surrounding area.  It will be a sad day when this rusting bridge is finally declared unsafe, and is removed.

I watched as the upstream lock gates were cranked closed for the last time this year.  Right before my eyes the great canal was being closed down for the season.  Flags were removed, picnic tables stacked, and the waterway sadly now empty of all boats.  It still felt like mid-summer.  But the trees were now bright yellow and gold, and the frosty nip of Fall would not be far behind. The summer season was being firmly declared closed.

Note:  single-click on the first picture above to scroll through the photos separately.

Total Distance:      8.0 km (hike)
Height Gain:          Say 40 ft.
Time on Trail:       1 hr. 37 mins.
Combined Lock:    2.35 pm
Ret. to car:            4.12 pm
Temp.:                  +23C
Weather:               Sunny, warm S. wind

Combined Lock being closed up for the season

Beautiful stretch of Rideau River and Canal through Smiths Falls

Rideau Trail downstream of Combined Lock

Old Sly's Lock - no more boats this year

CPR line crosses Chambers Street

Upstream of the Combined Lock...

...perfect for a stroll beside the Rideau Canal

This train, at the railway museum...

...used to cross this bridge on its was south to Sydenham and beyond.

Final closing of the lock gates signifies the end of another season on the canal

Bascule bridge and empty canal basin

Well-known Smiths Falls landmark

One of my favorite sections of the Rideau Trail

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