Friday, October 18, 2019

The K&P Trail: Latest

Tues. 15 October:  The K&P Trail:  Latest

The K&P Trail:  a magnificent trail now completed

The story of the Kingston and Pembroke Railway was one of Perseverance.  It was built in stages over several years.  But it had its loyal supporters and backers, and the line was eventually completed in the late 1800’s, at least as far as Renfrew.  People seemed to love the K&P, despite its shortcomings – it being affectionately known as the “Kick and Push”. 

A similar spirit of perseverance has been evident in recent years as the folks tasked with creating the K&P Trail have been working to complete the job, especially in the section from Tichborne to Sharbot Lake.  Two years ago, in August 2017, this author attended the official opening ceremonies for the trail, which was far from complete at that time.  See this blog entry:

Just a year ago, the section between Bradshaw Road and Vinkle Road - the dreaded “K&P canal” -  was filled in by a busy contractor.  See:

And now the final challenging section north from Vinkle Road to Shibley Road (at the top end of St. George Lake), is being finished off.  Buildings have been removed, the route cleared, two significant by-passes created, and a hard packed surface installed.  Now the K&P can truly be said to have been completed.

There may be just as many - or more - loyal fans of today’s K&P Trail as there were of the original railway.  We owe the creators of this trail a big vote of thanks. They must have felt the need to “Kick and Push” on many occasions in recent years.  But they got the job done.  Now let’s enjoy the results of their labour.

Enjoy these photos taken in the past week (with some earlier photos added for comparison).  They are in a north to south sequence between Shibley Road and Tichborne.

2018: Shibley Rd at St. George Lake

Oct. 2019:  same view - trail completed

2018:  Crow Lake Rd. looking north

Oct. 2019:  same view

2018:  12854 Hwy 38 looking north

Oct. 2019:  same view

Vinkle Rd. looking north

Vinkle Rd.

At Vinkle Rd. heading south

Stunning fall colors

Lake south of Vinkle Rd.

Same location view north and east

Oct. 2018 and ......

Oct. 2019 - job done

The K&P Canal:  2017

The same location today...

...with a superb biking surface

The open section south of the "canal":  2017

Same view Oct. 2018

And today's view with a completed trail

Fellow traveller heading north


Looking northwards from just north of Tichborne

The old bus is still there

Coming into Tichborne this section is eroding a bit

Tichborne - view east along the CP mainline.
The K&P railway used to cross here, from left to right

Perfect lunch spot in Tichborne


  1. Hello Passionate Hiker,
    We've been reviewing trails between Toronto and Belleville for a number of years now. Having exhausted our options here, we're looking to reach further. Hence, I hit your "follow" button yesterday as were interested in your reviews of the Rideau, and the kick and push(thank you for those). Should you be interested in venturing further West, perhaps we can return the favour at "".
    Bye for now,

  2. Many thanks for your comment. I would be happy to provide further info. on the Rideau Trail and other trails in this area as you may require. I assume you saw this blog: PH
