Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Rideau Trail 2018 End-to-End Hikes: 19. Roger Stevens Drive (15B) to Jock Road/Munster Road (16A)

Sat. 15 September: 
The Rideau Trail 2018 End-to-End Hikes: 
19. Roger Stevens Drive (15B) to Jock Road/Munster Road (16A)

Note: click on pictures for full size view.


For mid-September in Eastern Ontario, it was an exceptionally hot, humid day, with only an occasional whisper of a breeze.  Temperatures soon climbed close to thirty degrees C.

Our journey today took fourteen hikers through the northern half of the Marlborough Forest, and along country roads with no protection from the sun.   Wisely, our hike leader chose to complete this section of trail in the reverse direction (i.e. walking away from Ottawa), to complete the road portion earlier in the day.  It was a very good decision.

The Marlborough Forest can be a busy place, especially on a weekend, and so we were lucky to have it to ourselves, except for one truck, and a small group of ATV riders.  Enjoy this video:

Someone once told me: “you won’t get through the Marlborough Forest with dry feet”.  And we did pass beside one or two gigantic puddles.  But this has been an exceptional summer, and the entire forest route was bone dry.

There’s a beautiful open area inside the forest, like a parkland, with scattered trees and grass, which provides an unexpected break from kilometre upon kilometre of tree-lined forest roads. Today, however, we were happy to scuttle across the exposed landscape and regain whatever shade the forest granted us.

And now, with the forest behind us, the outer edges of the city are not far away.  We’ve now walked 274 kilometres in nineteen stages.  Ahead of us we have just 54 kilometres of trail.

The photos are in the north-to-south sequence as hiked.

Crossing the Jock River at the start of our 14.5 km hike

Artwork beside Munster Road

A hot, humid walk along roads exposed to the sun

Crossing the VIA tracks at Kettles Road

Entering the northern end of the forest:  this signpost needs rescuing

Some gigantic puddles, which never dry out, and filled with tiny frogs

The unexpected open section of forest

Major junction at Klondike Road

Fascinating skies, hot sun

Friendly ATV group on Klondike Road

Leaving all our troubles behind us!

Roger Stevens Drive, and a short walk to the cars

Today's journey successfully completed

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