Thursday, January 11, 2018


Tues. 9 January:  Earthstar

Entering the snow maze:  Earthstar trail
Note: click on pictures for full size view.

This must be the craziest bit of trail along the entire 328 kilometre length of the Rideau Trail. 

Somewhere in the heart of the Marlborough Forest lies the Earthstar trail.   This eccentric section of the Rideau Trail twists and turns through thick forest on a narrow pathway, continually changing direction.  At one point it appeared to be in danger of disappearing up its own tail end. 

Our challenge was made even more exciting by the recent snowfall.  The tree branches framing our route were sagging with new snow, which you could choose either to eat or wear (or both) but impossible to avoid on that narrow woodland path.

This was just one section of a long sixteen kilometre snowshoe trip through, and beyond, the southern half of the Marlborough Forest, starting at Roger Stevens Drive and running south all the way into Burritt’s Rapids beside the Rideau Canal.

It was a good five hour workout.  Our only welcome respite was the lonely Earthstar shelter, hiding in the woods on a rolling section of land, untypical of the generally flat terrain.  This simple cabin, open on one long side, allowed us to sit in relative comfort on the wooden bench and recharge our batteries over lunch.

We had hoped to walk a good part of this route without the need for snowshoes, but the recent snowfall ruled that out. Our path was a mix of wide, packed snowmobile trails and narrow, winding woodland paths - mostly the latter.

But we persevered, with our renowned stiff upper lip, and were rewarded at the end by a welcome hot drink in our favourite coffee shop.

If you are looking for some excitement, travel the Earthstar trail and experience the joy of feeling hopelessly lost, and then finally emerging safely at the other end.  Rather like a wintry version of a corn maze.

Our route was a mix of wide snowmobile trails and....

...narrow pathways through the forest. 
Yes, this IS the route of the Rideau Trail right here.

Approaching Earthstar shelter...

...a welcome respite for weary travellers.

Heading out from Earthstar shelter

Journey's end:  Burritts Rapids

Our 16.1 km route through the southern half of the Marlborough Forest

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