Sunday, July 2, 2017

My Canada Day

Sat. 1 July:  My Canada Day

A slightly smaller gathering at Murphys Point
than Parliament Hill, Ottawa - but just as much fun
Note: click on pictures for full size view.
I celebrated Canada’s 150th birthday by getting soaking wet!
But a large slice of cake, coated with a rich layer of brightly coloured red and white icing quickly cheered things up.
We had planned a Canada Day hike in Murphys Point Provincial Park, and a little bit of rain was not going to put us off.  That steady rainfall soon turned into a drenching, but we were well-prepared for it.  Our route, along the delightful Point Trail, took us to several beautiful outlooks onto Big Rideau Lake, which looked magical in the mist and the rain.
The forest walk back along Sylvan Trail brought us to the campsite roads.  A few brave campers were huddled under tarpaulins, but a lot of tents were zipped up tight, their occupants no doubt hoping for a change in the weather.
That change came at exactly the right time.  It stopped raining, and started to brighten up, just as the Tay Valley Township Reeve wished us all a Happy Canada Day, and cut the enormous cake.  A small group of eager kids – and equally eager (and damp) hikers - lined up for their slice of cake.
The park was now coming alive.  Families were appearing from their tents, some even venturing into the water at the beach. 
A little bad weather won’t dampen the Canadian enthusiasm for our birthday celebrations.


Big Rideau Lake in the rain

At The Point

Friendly beaver

This kid had caught a tiny baby turtle

A magnificent cake and assembled crowd!

Large slices handed out by the Tay Valley Reeve

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