Sunday, November 20, 2016

Going Round in Circles

Sun. 20 November:  Going Round in Circles

First signs of winter on the trail
Note: click on pictures for full size view.

If it felt like we were going round in circles, it was because we were!  But by design.

There are several loops available to the hiker at Foley Mountain Conservation Area, and we explored three of them today.  They’re not really circles, but more like irregular loops.  They all pass through this spectacular escarpment country above the Rideau Lakes. 

Today we started out on the Rideau Trail, stopping at the plaque where, exactly forty five years ago this month, the Rideau Trail was born.  From there we continued eastwards down to the swimming beach.  This was no day for a swim.  The snow was quickly settling on the ground, and the waters of Upper Rideau Lake merged into a swirling misty back-drop.

We climbed the escarpment through the bare trees on a narrow, slippery trail, making two more loops before returning to our cars.  Along the way we stopped at Spy Rock, where somewhere below us in the mist lay the village of Westport. 

The wind was gathering pace in the treetops above us.  It was time to drive carefully home and settle down in front of a warm fire with a hot drink.  Winter seemed to have arrived a little early this year.   

The Rideau Trail at Foley Mountain

Woodland pathway

The Rideau Trail plaque:  celebrating 45 years this month

No day for a butterfly

The swimming beach

Climbing the escarpment

Westport hidden in the mist below Spy Rock

Going round in circles!

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