Saturday, September 17, 2016

Gaining Momentum

Fri. 16 September:  Gaining Momentum

Sometimes our trail followed a portage route - luckily we weren't carrying canoes!
Note: click on pictures for full size view.

Six down and five to go.  We’re already halfway to our Frontenac Challenge goal, with plenty of time still left on the clock.  Today’s figure-of-eight circuit of seventeen rugged kilometres allowed us to claim two more loops;  Little Salmon Lake and Little Clear Lake loops. 

Our route took us across the Park in a northeasterly direction and back, along woodland trails and beside swamps and lakes.  We saw the remains of old farmhouses and overgrown farm tracks, but also travelled through lonely woods along narrow trails.  The major feature was the Moulton Gorge, a green valley crossed on a narrow footbridge.

On our last trip, we met a large party of hikers from the Toronto area, who apparently completed their Challenge yesterday.  Today we met only a handful of other hikers, mostly single backpackers and in three cases, with their dog – also wearing a backpack!  The one exception was a small party of young kids with their parents or supervisors, running excitedly along the trail ahead of us and soon disappearing from sight – and sound!

In the meantime we made our steady way along the trail, gaining with every kilometre a confidence that this Challenge can be completed – even the dreaded “Slide Lake Loop” which still lies ahead of us.

One step at a time – or in this case, two loops at a time!

As we approached the end of our journey, an animal suddenly leapt fully outstretched across the trail ahead of us and disappeared into the forest.  In the split second we had to observe it, this dark shape looked like a double-sized domestic cat.   We had no idea what it might actually have been.  You never know what to expect in Frontenac Park.

Note:  The observant reader will notice pictures which appear to be of the same view as in an earlier article. This is because most of the loops contain sections of trail common to other loops.

Upper Rideau Lake morning mist, seen from Westport:
 Rideau Canal channel markers in foreground

This photo of Canoe Lake was taken from a moving car through a closed window!

On the trail

Several bridges and boardwalks along the way

Warning:  Moulton Gorge ahead!

Moulton Gorge

Bright sunlight through the trees

The old Green Homestead

Old Thor

Inside the cab

Little Clear Lake from the south end

One of several lone travellers with their dogs, headed for a backcountry campsite

Bright orange fungus - probably not edible?!

Spiders web art

Mission accomplished - the final bridge

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