Sunday, April 10, 2016

Wrestling Match

Sun. 10 April:  Wrestling Match

Magnificent pileated woodpecker
high up in the trees
Note: click on pictures for full size view.

Recently I took up wrestling – with my camera. 

I have been exploring the mysterious world beyond the “automatic” setting; or in the case of my sophisticated Lumix camera, the “Intelligent Automatic” setting. I assume they are referring to the camera, not the user, as so far I have not had much luck.

But today I was presented with the ideal opportunity to try out the “multiple shot” button when a large, colorful pileated woodpecker landed high up a bare tree branch and started to knock loudly on the wood. It was a magnificent sight.  The reader can be the judge of whether I’m making any progress with my new sport.

Murphys Point Provincial Park, just a short drive from Perth, is full of opportunities for the hiker, and today I created a loop which I can highly recommend to others.  The map shows my route.  It was the perfect day for a walk, with only a light dusting of snow in shady areas, the thin ice on the lake rapidly breaking up into little platelets, and the temperatures hovering just below freezing, keeping away any early flying bugs.

Enjoy these pictures.

There is still some ice in the bays

Not sure if I'm being welcomed or scared off.

Bare tree tops

The enchanting Sylvan Trail

Signs of powerful winds

A remote corner of Murphys Point park

Point Trail

The choppy waters of Big Rideau Lake

And the ice breaking up into little platelets

Point Trail visitors book

If you move quickly between these two photos... will see the woodpecker at work

A highly recommended 7.3 km loop

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