Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Howling Success

Sat. 28 November:  A Moonlight Stroll:  Mica Mine and Homestead Trails

Today's moon.
This great photo was taken by Andrew Hannah.
 Note:  Single-click on each picture to enjoy a full-size view.

Some of the shortest trips are also often the sweetest. 

This was the case tonight, when an enthusiastic group of hikers assembled at Lally Homestead, intrigued by the idea of a stroll in the dark.   

Our well-organized hosts had even timed the event to coincide with the most perfect evening one could possibly devise for such a trip:  cloudless, just a few degrees below zero, no wind.  The moon rose later in the walk, giving us the opportunity to enjoy the stars in a dark pre-moon sky.

As we walked up the road to the mine, we saw several shooting stars.  The Milky Way arched overhead, a bright band.  Back at Lally Homestead, the wood stove gave welcome heat, as we enjoyed the cookies and hot chocolate. 

A magical shot:  Orion reflected in the lake, a rising moon.
This amazing picture was taken by Andrew Hannah.

The highlight, for this author, was on the second walk, where we stood in silence beside a lake.  The orange moon was climbing up above the bare trees to the left.  On the eastern horizon, directly in front of us, was Orion, lying on his side, his three-star belt, and super-bright Rigel, and the red giant Betelgeuse, reflecting in the still water.  Some noisy geese flew overhead, unseen.  And off in the distance, several packs of coyote were howling loudly in the night.  It was a haunting moment, enjoyed in total silence by the group.

Then, all too quickly, we were back at our cars.  But as I said, short is sweet.  And so was the chocolate!

NOTE:  The Passionate Hiker in indebted to Andrew Hannah for the two photos attached to this blog.  Andrew has a great gift for taking photos, which eludes this author, and these pictures so perfectly capture the scene today.  Thank you Andrew.

Total Distance:                2.5 km (hike)
Height Gain:                    Say 30 ft.
Max. Elev:                       149 m (489 ft.)
Time on Trail:                  Approx. 1 hr. 
Temp:                              Minus 5C
Weather:                          Clear, ¾ moon.

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