Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ragged Chutes

Sat. 12 September:  Ragged Chutes

Misty spray flying from the Ragged Chutes
This is the hike that never was! 

The rain was bucketing down as I arrived at Conlon Farm to meet my fellow hikers.  Not surprisingly, the hike had been cancelled.  Only the hike leader and one other colleague turned up.  But our leader had to drive up to the Ragged Chutes just in case one party turned up – they had arranged to meet there.  Not needing much excuse to go for a ride in the car, my colleague and I jumped into our leader’s vehicle to provide some company!

Arriving at Ragged Chutes, we saw no sign of the party involved.  But miraculously the rain had eased off.  So we hurriedly set out down the trail to take advantage of what would likely be a brief respite.  And so it was.  We had just enough time to hike down the track to the falls at the end of the lake.   As we returned to the car, the rain started again with renewed energy.  Just enough time to clear a few cobwebs, and then back into town for a not particularly well-earned coffee.

It was a good decision to cancel this hike.  The route is challenging with lots of slippery rocks, and on a wet day would be a recipe for a broken leg.  And I’ve had enough of dealing with broken legs for a while!

Note:  single-click on the first picture above to scroll through the photos separately.  Also, see the Map at the end.

Total Distance:      4.7 km (hike)
Height Gain:          220 ft.
Max. Elev.:            974 ft.
Time on Trail:       1 hr. 22 mins.
Dep. car:              10.03 am
Chutes:                10.44 am
Ret. to  car:          11.25 am
Temp:                  +13C
Weather:              Overcast, sprinkles of rain.

Large wasp nest at start of trail - no sign of occupants

Green leafy lane leads to the Chutes

Turning off onto the track leading down to the Mississippi River

Ragged Chutes

My partners-in-crime
(guilty of stealing an unexpectedly dry hour from a drenchingly wet day)

Returning to the car just ahead of the next downpour

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