Friday, September 4, 2015

Wild Life

Fri. 4 September:  A stroll along the Rideau Trail and around the Perth Wildlife Reserve

On the Rideau Trail approaching Conlon Farm
Today I finally made it to the Perth Wildlife Reserve.  

My route was perhaps unusual, and not entirely recommended for hikers.  Leaving Perth on the Rideau Trail, I turned left onto Wildlife Road, which I followed all the way to the Reserve.  My return journey took me along a section of the Rideau Ferry Road, busy with Friday afternoon traffic.

There was not a lot of wildlife on display on this hot, sunny afternoon.  I heard the crackle of branches, perhaps indicating a deer heading into the woods.  I may have been very unobservant but there seemed to be few birds and no sign of smaller wild animals in the woods.

My journey started from home, and I soon joined the Rideau Trail as it crossed the rainbow bridge onto Thom Street.  The short paved section through Conlon Farm, past the tennis courts, was looking picturesque. I was glad to see that they have finally mowed the wild parsnip at the far end of Conlon Farm Road. 

In the fields south of Highway 10 the crops were growing, the trail following the very edge of the fields all the way into the woods.  Reaching Wildlife Road, where the Rideau Trail turned right, I headed left, past the town landfill, crossing the Rideau Ferry Road.  The gravel access road to the Reserve was long and unexciting, but eventually I arrived at the parking lot. A white truck had passed me as I walked along the road, and I caught up with the occupants – a young couple - as I walked around the Reserve.  We were the only visitors.

The 2.5 km Betty Wilson Nature Trail makes a pleasant circuit, the highlight being the view of the Tay River and Canal at the far end.  An elevated platform allows you to look out across the river, which is really a wide swamp here.  At the foot of the platform is the site of one of the original canal locks, now just an earth bank, and a swampy ditch marking the old course of the canal.

Walking along Rideau Ferry Road is dull and dangerous, especially on a Friday afternoon on the long weekend.  But I was soon back in town, and heading down Arthur Street to the Perth Fairgrounds. 

Here the annual Perth Fair was gathering steam, with midway rides whizzing round, noisy lawnmower races around the dusty arena, loud music, and people pouring through the gates. Unlike at the Reserve, there was plenty of wild life on display here!   

Note:  single-click on the first picture above to scroll through the photos separately.  Also, see the Map at the end

Total Distance:      15.9 km (hike)
Height Gain:          Say 40 ft.
Time on Trail:        3 hrs. 1 min.
Dep. Home:          3.20 pm
Hwy 10:                3.42 pm
Wildlife Rd:           4.04 pm
Reserve arr.:        4.37 pm
Reserve dep.:       5.12 pm
Fairground:           5.54 pm
Home:                   6.21 pm
Temp:                  +25C
Weather:              Sunny, hot.  NE breeze.

Heading south on the trail, from Highway 10

The Rideau Trail sneaks along the edge of this field

Access to the Wildlife Reserve from Rideau Ferry Road

Some large homes along the access road

The Wildlife Reserve - observation tower for birders

A good trail map is available for visitors

Thank you Betty

An attractive trail leads around the Reserve

Here the elevated observation tower gives views of the Tay River/Canal

An old lock from the original canal

The old canal 

My route today

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