Sunday, June 14, 2015

Frontenac Provincial Park: Small Slide Lake Loop

Sun. 14 June:  Frontenac Provincial Park:  Small Slide Lake Loop

Snake in the grass - not the only one
There’s nothing small about the Small Slide Lake Loop apart from its name. 

This was the longest and most challenging hike of the year to date.  We were rewarded for our efforts with many fine views, an exquisite little waterfall, many tiny frogs leaping out from under our feet, and one or two sleepy snakes along the path. 

It was a rugged back-country route with many ups and downs.  The “ups” brought us to several good viewpoints just above the tree-tops.  Our first view of Slide Lake was from the top of a high granite cliff, which plunged down to the lake.  The path also dropped steeply down to the edge of the water. 

A little further along the way, we stopped at another rock outcrop above the lake, called “The Whale's Back” – a perfect place to stop and enjoy our lunch.

On the return leg, we followed the ridges between Slide Lake to our right, and Buck Lake to our left.  Here we found a tumbling stream dropping, in a picturesque manner, down into Buck Lake. 

At an idyllic lakeside campsite we watched several adolescent turtles lined up on a log.  They slipped into the lake, swimming around with their tiny heads just sticking up out of the water.

Our hiking party was not large – just four of us, but well matched for this fairly challenging hike.  It was a unanimous agreement to stop at Westport for an ice-cream on our way home.  We had earned it today.

Note:  single-click on the first picture above to scroll through the photos separately


Total Distance:      14.0 km (hike)
Height Gain:          Say 800 ft. accumulated
Time on Trail:       4 hrs. 55 mins.
Perth Rd:                 9.48 am
Jn. 1:                     10.25 am
Jn. 2:                     10.52 am
Whaleback:          11.56 am
N. Slide L Jn:       12.47 pm
Jn. 1:                       2.08 pm
Perth Rd:                2.43 pm
Temp:            +21C rising to +24 C
Weather:        Sun, higher cloud building

Heading out into the Frontenac Park wilderness

A challenging trail at times

Starting out on the Slide Lake Loop - in a clockwise direction

Rocky ridges...

... of granite

Some good viewpoints, but even better ahead...

...such as this view of Slide Lake

And this

The rocks fall steeply down to the lake...

...and the trail follows

Perfect lunch stop above Slide Lake

Luckily no bears seen on the right - or to the left - today

A route always full of interest

These are Hairy Beardtongue - great name for a wildflower 

Tiny frog diving for cover under a fallen tree-trunk

Bright green canopy

Highlight of the trail.
This picture does not do justice to this tiny waterfall

Baby turtle on a log, stretching its neck

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