Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Stroll in the Park

Sun. 19 April:  A Stroll in the Park

Despite the sign - a relaxing stroll in Murphys Point Park
This may have been the easiest hike of the year, but it was also a very pleasant reminder that the summer season was on its way – even if still far off over the horizon!

As we strolled down the snow-free roads of Murphys Point Provincial Park, to the edge of the lake, the sun shone brightly overhead.  Yes, it was a little cool, but it was still ideal for a pleasant picnic beside the now ice-free waters.  There was still ice further out on the lake, but it wouldn’t last long.  We watched a muskrat swimming rapidly across the bay right in front of us.

On the way back to our cars, we stopped at a shallow pond to enjoy the sound of the noisy frogs. Here is a link to the video:

In a few weeks, this place will be full of campers and boaters, and black flies and other flying bugs.  But today, it was a peaceful backwater, on a near perfect day.

Note:  single-click on the first picture above to scroll through the photos separately


Total Distance:      3.0 (hike)
Height Gain:          Say 40 ft.
Time on Trail:       1 hr. 34 mins. (incl. lunch!)
Start:                     11.59 am
Hogg Bay:            12.29 pm
Ret. to cars:            1.33 pm
Temp:                   +8C
Weather:               Cloudless, cool E/NE wind

Down the access road...

...past a partly ice-covered lake... the boat dock...

...for a very relaxing picnic lunch...

..before heading back to the cars

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