Saturday, February 21, 2015

More Foley Mountain Fun

Sat. 21 February:  Foley Mountain Trails

Barred Owl (photo:
On every trip I learn something new.

The highlight today was the sight of an owl flying across the forest.  It was thanks to one of our party, with incredible eagle eyes, who spotted the owl in a tree.  I would never have seen it.  It launched itself silently into the air, landing on a branch high up another tree. 

This was a barred owl, also known as a hoot owl (and also apparently called an “eight-hooter”!).  It has a distinctive call, and has stripes down its body.  These owls apparently nest in cavities high up in the trees.  Hunting by night, they feed on squirrels, mice, voles, even rabbits.  There is something special about seeing owls.  They are silent (except when hooting!), elusive, and of course striking to see, especially close-up.

It was, perhaps, this sighting that started a lively conversation, among the snow-shoeing party today, about which bird should be the National Bird of Canada.  It seems that there is a strong lobby for the chickadee – some of which we saw today – although the favourite appears to be the loon.

It was a vigorous trip today, around most of the trails of Foley Mountain.  We covered the blue, green, red and orange trails.  We travelled across the breadth of the park, dropping down to the interpretive centre, then further east beyond the summer beach.  Down at the interpretive centre, we stood around the picnic tables for a snack as twenty or so energetic young scouts arrived from a snow-shoeing expedition down to the Big Rideau Lake.  Our return took us back up the escarpment, breaking trail up the snowy slopes, before meeting the packed trails again.

It had been slightly warmer today, and a light snowfall was starting to accumulate on the ground (and on our heads!) as we returned to our cars.  We had not seen any more owls, but we were more than happy with our one encounter today.

Note:  single-click on the first picture above to scroll through the photos separately


Total Distance:         9.0 km (‘shoe)
Height Gain:             Say 200 ft.
Time on Trail:          3 hrs. 10 mins.
Start:                       10.09 am
Interp. Centre:         11.35 am
East End:                 12.15 pm
Ret. to cars:               1.19 pm
Temp:            Minus 9C
Weather:       Overcast, increasing snowfall

Spy Rock

Westport below

We started off following the Rideau Trail

Busy woodpecker - we saw a large pileated woodpecker today

First the Blue Trail, and now the Green Trail

At the Interpretive Centre:  our lunch stop

Busy young scouts were returning from their adventure

At the summer beach on Big Rideau Lake

Passing through a beech grove

Climbing Foley Mountain in the snow

Animal tracks filled by oak leaves

On Foley Mountain

Too late!  We went - and returned!

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