Thursday, January 15, 2015

Checking the Trail

Wed. 14 January:  Marlborough Forest Pre-walk

Weather Channel:  Very cold morning
Earlier this week, I had agreed to accompany D on a “pre-hike” in the Marlborough Forest.  RTA hike leaders have to walk the trail in the week prior to a trip, to check it out ahead of time.  He arrived at the door, perhaps half-expecting me to cry off as it was around minus 30C.  But it was a cloudless, windless day, and I was ready for a trip outdoors.  So we set off up to Smiths Falls and onto Roger Stevens Drive.  This is the only main road which bisects the forest, and the best access point for hikers.

We parked beside the highway after quickly agreeing that we should wear snow shoes today.  There was a little more snow here than down in Perth.  The trees still had snow on them, making this a very scenic trip.  We headed south down the Rideau Trail, beside Rogers Pond, then turning left at a junction in the road to return up the east side of the lake, in the deep woods.  A cross-country skier had been along here.  The path was so narrow in places that we had no choice but to walk on the ski trail. 

We enjoyed inspecting the various animal tracks across our route.  D kept a handy reference card, so we were sure about the snowshoe hare, but not so certain about some of the others – was it a fox or a coyote for example.  There were many deer tracks, and some tiny ones from much smaller creatures running about on the cold snowy forest floor.

Despite the frigid temperatures, it was pleasant to be outside and we enjoyed the walk.   We were soon back at the car, armed with the knowledge that there were no obstacles for the weekend hike.  By now the temperatures had risen to around minus 17C and it felt positively balmy - or was it that WE were barmy??

Note:  single-click on the first picture above to scroll through the photos separately


Total Distance:         5.5 km (snow-shoe)
Height Gain:             Negligible
Time on Trail:          1 hr. 46 mins.
Start:              9.30 am
Ret. to car:    11.16 am
Temp:           Minus 25 rising to Minus 17C
Weather:       Cloudless, no wind
Dist. home to parking area:  47 km

Rogers Pond
Lone skier has passed this way
Into the thick forest
Narnia within the borders of Ottawa!!!!
More open forest
Back at the trailhead

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