Sunday, January 25, 2015

Foley Mountain Trails

Sun. 25 January:  Foley Mountain Trails

Perfect trails for a winter hike
The trails in the Foley Mountain Conservation Area make a perfect outing, and especially in winter. 

Of course, the view from Spy Rock is the jewel in the crown, but there is so much more to enjoy here.  There are gentle hiking loops in the forest, and more rugged trails angling down the steep escarpment to the lake below and back up again, and there are narrow woodland pathways to explore.

Today we covered all the above.  Temperatures around minus 15C with a sharp North wind did not deter us.  First we tackled the short, undulating Beaver Trail, which brought us to Spy Rock.  The harsh sunlight reflected on the ice of Upper Rideau Lake.  It was a scene which could just as well have been captured by black and white film, in contrast to the golden Fall colors of my last visit; but no less spectacular a place to stand, for a bird’s eye view down to the sleepy town of Westport.

Having cooled down enjoying the views at Spy Rock, we were ready for a brisk hike along the Rideau Trail, which dropped down through the trees to the Interpretive Centre at the foot of the escarpment.  Here was a perfect setting for “elevenses”, with picnic tables and views to the lake below. 

Our return journey took us up the steep road back up the hillside, and then onto a narrow woodland path across the escarpment.  We stopped at a small bridge where we learned that a rare patch of skunk cabbage grows here.  In the trees we spotted a hairy woodpecker, and in the snow we saw the tracks of many different small animals, mainly rabbits, but also perhaps fox or other predator. 

Dropping down to the Rideau Trail again, we were faced with an ascent of “Heart Attack Hill”, a very encouraging name to a retired hiker over 60, but no casualties reported!  Hence back to our cars. 

What finer way to spend a bright sunny winter’s morning? 

Note:  single-click on the first picture above to scroll through the photos separately


Total Distance:         5.8 km (hike)
Height Gain:             Say 200 ft.
Time on Trail:           2 hrs. 17 mins.
Start:                    10.07 am
Interp. Ctr.:          11.17 am
Ret. to cars:         12.24 pm
Temp:                   Minus 15C
Weather:              Cloudless, sharp N. wind

Our first loop 

On Beaver Pond Lookout loop

Close-up of Westport from Spy Rock

Westport from Spy Rock

Big Rideau Lake

Assembling for a team photo

Bright winter sun

Plenty to see along the way

Dropping down to the Interpretive Centre

Fox?  Marten?  Please identify for us!

Rideau Trail memorial

Here the Rideau Trail was opened in 1971

Perfect, but cold


Heading up the steep road from the Interpretive Centre

Here grows skunk cabbage 

An exciting trail

"Heart Attack Hill"

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