Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Statistics

2014 Statistics

Westport from Spy Rock (Rideau Trail)
There was never any chance that the statistics for 2014 would come close to those of the previous five banner years.  After all, this was the year that I retired and we moved across Canada and settled into our new life.

Nevertheless, as the figures show, The Passionate Hiker was not entirely inactive.  The completion this year of the 330 km Rideau Trail from end to end would have been a great achievement in any year, and so stood out as my most memorable journey in 2014. 

Thanks in large part to this trip, my overall hiking distance of 461 km compared favorably with those previous years, where my annual hiking tallies ranged from 478 to 626 km.  It was in the other categories where the differences really showed.  This year I hardly did any biking, no skiing or snow shoeing, only camped three nights, and of course elevation gain was negligible once I had moved to Ontario.

I already have plans for lots of outdoor adventures in future years, and while the statistics will probably never come close to the record breaking Alberta years, this will not mean that the Passionate Hiker is enjoying the outdoors any less.  The successful completion of the Rideau Trail has simply whetted the appetite for more long-distance trails across the gentler Ontario countryside in 2015 and beyond.

2014 Statistics:

Hiking:  461 km
Biking:    53 km
Kayak:    14 km
Total:     528 km

Height gain:     9,456 ft.
Highest Point:  5,650 ft.

Time on Trail:  158 hours
# Nights Camping:  3

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