Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Sheep Valley

Sat. 30 March:  Foran Grade and Windy Point Ridges

The road beyond the Sheep Valley winter gate was bare.  I could have saved myself some walking by bringing my bike.  But usually in March, it is still snow packed.  Not this year.

I was the first car at the gate today.  It was a pleasant stroll westwards up the road, on yet another cloudless day.  Temperatures were just below freezing, but would soon climb above zero.

My route today was a familiar one to me.  The gently sloping hillsides leading to the spectacular view along Foran Grade Ridge, dropping down to the saddle, then up the steep slopes of Windy Point Ridge, before the spectacular descent along the broken cliff band to the road below.  Finally the stroll eastwards along Sheep Trail above the frozen river.

This is a combination of two very popular hikes, but today I had these ridges to myself.  I had my snowshoes with me but I had no need of them.  There was very little snow up there.  The great feature of this route is the spectacular view westwards up the Sheep Valley to the Front Ranges, still plastered with snow.  Yet there are also views of the city far off to the east beyond the low foothills.  I recommend this hike to any newcomer to Calgary, or visitors with little time to explore the Rockies

Today there was an assortment of wildlife on display.  First a large black crow sitting on the very top of a pine tree, then an eagle soaring above the cliffs of Windy Point Ridge.  As I dropped down to the road, I was surprised by a small herd of bighorn sheep ambling across the road and right past me, with not the slightest concern for my presence.

The Sheep River in its deep gorge was still frozen solid, unlike the more open Highwood River to the south, which I had crossed at the start of this month.

There was a slight breeze up on the very top of Windy Point Ridge, but down in the valley, where there was no breeze, it was warm.  The snow and ice which still remained in sheltered areas, was quickly melting.  Spring was arriving in a hurry, and there could be no better place to enjoy it than the Sheep Valley on a perfect day such as this.
Total Distance: 11.0 km (hike)
Height Gain:      1,300 ft.
Max. Elev.:       5,748 ft.
Time on Trail:    4 hrs. 6 mins.
Start hike:          8.34 am
Foran Gr. top:    9.55 am
Windy Pt. top:   10.37 am
Road:                11.25 am
Car:                  12.40 pm
Temp:                minus 3 to plus 4 deg.C
Weather:           Cloudless, warm. Slight breeze at top

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